Regardless of its' location, if the chip is a lot bigger than 3 inches than most glass company firms will tell you that you need to replace it. If the chip is smaller than that, it can usually be fixed. The important thing is that you do not get talked into replacing your windshield when it is not necessary. If you suspect that a simple front window repair job would suffice, get at least 3-5 opinions before making the final call.

Driving the car immediately after a windshield replacement is not something you can do. There is a time period that should be allowed to make sure that the window has settled and dried. The warmer weather allows for the adhesives to dry quickly. However, the colder weather increases the time that is needed before you resume driving. Taking the time to wait for the adhesives to be at full strength could mean the difference between life and death or an accident that leaves you maimed.
fix auto glass Remove all smoke odors pet odors and odors resulting from hobbies. When possible, air out your home before the showing. Lightly spray room freshener so that it has a chance to diffuse before the buyer arrives.
So, what do you do if you have a high deductible and your windshield gets a chip or crack? windshield chip repair has been around since the mid 1970's. Most insurance companies wave the deductible for windshield chip repair, but what do you do if you have a crack starting at the edge of your windshield? If you call windshield repair shops you will find most shops will not repair a crack over 6 inches in length and they will almost always recommend replacement.
Another way to figure out ARV is to get an appraisal from a certified appraiser. Yes this costs money, but if everything else looks good about the deal and you are uncomfortable with the realtor's comps, you can always get the opinion of another professional. They go more in-depth when appraising properties then realtors might. However I only trust the appraisal when I actually hired the appraiser. This way I know that I have given him/her the instructions on how I want the appraisal to be completed.
Taking immediate care of cracks in the windshield can save you a ton of hassle later. So it's better to invest in a smaller amount of money now than a huge amount of money later.